The Golden Girls' Wedding Dresses
Online bridal shops offer the best in shopping and golden girls do not have to max out their time and energy wandering about uptown or downtown looking for their perfect sparkling wedding dresses and wedding posies - yellow orchids or violets are often recommended but there are more options for the modern day golden bride.
Going back to wedding gowns, the popular color choices are white, silver gray, off white, and in the extreme - a golden gown adorned with fresh water pearls and Swarovski crystals. The design of the original wedding dress can be adopted for sentimental reasons and modified for a more current look and use the well-kept blue garter from the wedding 50 years ago for nostalgia's sake.
Going back to wedding gowns, the popular color choices are white, silver gray, off white, and in the extreme - a golden gown adorned with fresh water pearls and Swarovski crystals. The design of the original wedding dress can be adopted for sentimental reasons and modified for a more current look and use the well-kept blue garter from the wedding 50 years ago for nostalgia's sake.