Let me give you a thing to guess for an instant which I think you can answer within a minute that who is the person which is closest to the bride with which she can resolve out all of the discussions or problems? You might think the same name as I am thinking and that is the name of BRIDESMAID.

The person with a lot of responsibilities of wedding is generally burdened with them but in spite of this one of the persons that enjoys the wedding fully along with some of the important responsibilities can only be the bridesmaid. Some of them have been described below that can be considered by you:

- One of the most important responsibilities that are including in the bridesmaid to do list is to assisting the bride to be ready for the day solving out any of the issues regarding wedding dress or makeup and that can’t be done better than the bridesmaid.

- Taking care of the drinking and eating stuffs of the bride from the start of the first event to the last one or we can say in the whole of the day. For this the bridesmaid may ask her to for the wedding drinks or wedding food in between.
- One of the all time favorite responsibility that is generally taken care by the bridesmaid is to take care of the bags and gift baskets of the bride that is the type of work that can only be given to the trustful person and no one better than bridesmaid fits in the role. The bags generally contain the important things necessary for the bride on the day of wedding. And the most important among them are the maps, letters, snacks, post cards, makeup kit, phone numbers and many of the other important things.
- Making sure that the bride is given some of the privacy if she wants to be alone for some time before the wedding ceremony or before any of the custom practices of the wedding and give emotional support to her.

- Now comes here one of the legal duty that includes to be present as a witness when the signing of the marriage-license of the couple is being taking place and this is one of the great thing to be honored to be present there for the bridesmaid.

- Now it’s the time for fun and let all have the real entertainment! Prepare one of the wedding dance bits and pieces for the couple as a show and let them see how much preparation is from your side and give the bride a wonderful surprise which she will never forget.

It depends on the bridesmaid also how much she gets involved in all of these responsibilities and how much consult she is with the bride or how closer she is with the bride. But whatever is the case one of the things that made the bride depended on the bridesmaid is for listening all of the emotional talks and support that she wants to have with her best friend. So, for the whole day consider this thing above all the other responsibilities and makes the bride comfortable…
These are some of the duties that can be followed by the bridesmaid with if she wants to complete them and all these wedding ideas make the bride happy...