Samoan Wedding Dresses, Gowns, Online Bridal Store
Samoan brides, in the Polynesian regions, who are about to get married take their time when selecting a wedding dress in order to select one that fits them well and complements their figures. A bride needs to select a wedding dress three to five months in advance to avoid getting disappointed. A person should consider a number of factors when purchasing Samoan wedding dresses such as the prices, a person's body type and type of wedding.
How Samoans prepare fabrics for wedding gowns:
Brides from Samoa make their traditional wedding gowns using tapa cloth, which they obtain from the barks of mulberries. Some Samoan brides may make their wedding gowns out of 'siapo', which is a cloth they make out of hardwood barks; this fabric is important especially during wedding ceremonies where the culture demands that the bride should put on a wedding dress made of this fabric.
When presenting gifts to a married couple, village maidens and high chiefs also wear the 'siapo' cloth. Samoans also dress on cloths made out of siapos and tapas during other festivals such as teuila. Siapo makers cut and soak the bark of hardwood trees in water until they become pulpy; afterwards they lay it on the ground and scrape out the water by use of different shells.
Afterwards they leave the material to dry in the sun for a couple of hours before applying red clay on it and rubbing it by use of wet pads. This makes the fabric soft enough for them to stitch thus enabling them to design a wedding dress out of it. There are also modern wedding gowns made out of silk fabrics but have Samoan designs and patterns.
How Samoans prepare fabrics for wedding gowns:
Brides from Samoa make their traditional wedding gowns using tapa cloth, which they obtain from the barks of mulberries. Some Samoan brides may make their wedding gowns out of 'siapo', which is a cloth they make out of hardwood barks; this fabric is important especially during wedding ceremonies where the culture demands that the bride should put on a wedding dress made of this fabric.
When presenting gifts to a married couple, village maidens and high chiefs also wear the 'siapo' cloth. Samoans also dress on cloths made out of siapos and tapas during other festivals such as teuila. Siapo makers cut and soak the bark of hardwood trees in water until they become pulpy; afterwards they lay it on the ground and scrape out the water by use of different shells.
Afterwards they leave the material to dry in the sun for a couple of hours before applying red clay on it and rubbing it by use of wet pads. This makes the fabric soft enough for them to stitch thus enabling them to design a wedding dress out of it. There are also modern wedding gowns made out of silk fabrics but have Samoan designs and patterns.