British Wedding Traditions
Weddings in Great Britain are very beautiful and unforgettable because of the prolonged customs of British people that have took form since very old times. The practices of a wedding in a British flag had been transformed during the English Reformation, at the time during church rulings had to go through a total change. Following 1549, wedding ceremonies are permitted to be done in the church.
In a wedding ceremony in the Church of England, the bride is given to the groom by the father of the bride before the priest. The people inside the church will then be asked by the priest if anyone would object the wedding. In case there is, the objections are permitted to be spoken. Both the groom and the bride are allotted as well an opportunity to re-consider. Then they vow to be devoted, love, honour and protect one another till the end of their lifetime.
The rite goes on with the man placing the wedding ring on the woman's wedding finger, the third finger on her left hand. The ring will be accepted by the bride and the priest affirms them to be husband and wife. The wedding in the eyes of god will then be proclaimed by the priest. Following the announcement, the man is given permission to kiss the bride.
The couple is permitted to be married in a registry office in case they wish to do so. The rite is then brief and straightforward. The couple faces a registrar in charge and they sign the register after. No less than two witnesses should be in attendance.
In a wedding ceremony in the Church of England, the bride is given to the groom by the father of the bride before the priest. The people inside the church will then be asked by the priest if anyone would object the wedding. In case there is, the objections are permitted to be spoken. Both the groom and the bride are allotted as well an opportunity to re-consider. Then they vow to be devoted, love, honour and protect one another till the end of their lifetime.
The rite goes on with the man placing the wedding ring on the woman's wedding finger, the third finger on her left hand. The ring will be accepted by the bride and the priest affirms them to be husband and wife. The wedding in the eyes of god will then be proclaimed by the priest. Following the announcement, the man is given permission to kiss the bride.
The couple is permitted to be married in a registry office in case they wish to do so. The rite is then brief and straightforward. The couple faces a registrar in charge and they sign the register after. No less than two witnesses should be in attendance.