Rehearsal Dinner Party Ideas

Rehearsal Party Dinner can be judged as a way to have a break from the responsibilities of the wedding and go out for a small picnic for a smaller feast or for an elaborated buffet according to your style…

Rehearsal Dinner Party

Rehearsal Dinner Parties

Rehearsal Dinner Parties Arrangement

Rehearsal Dinner Parties Decoration

Rehearsal Dinner Parties Idea

The idea of Rehearsal Dinner Party is such that for celebrating it you may opt for a four or five star restaurant for organizing it like a grand feast event or you may happily enjoy by ordering the pizza for your dear ones.

Hosting of the Event

The Rehearsal Dinner is mainly hosted by the parents of groom, although both the parents of both might host this if they are interested as per their choice.

Guests List

Often people now a days invites many of the people from their wedding guests lists, may be all that may include out of the town guests also but the basic idea is to follow of the tradition of inviting only the immediate family members of the couples. So, it would be better if you keep the list short and includes only the people that are very near to your hearts and are really have an important meaning in your life.

Style: Formal or Informal 

The fanciness or the informal style of the rehearsal dinner depends on you as it’s a small celebration of your choice but if to choose between formal and informal theme of the rehearsal dinner, then I would like to suggest you that the general rule is to kept it somehow informal as compared to the wedding reception

One of the examples that can be considered here is the rehearsal dinner of the clambake theme and the wedding reception of the black tie style for making both of the events complementing each other.

Activities for the day

•    The main aim of the Rehearsal Dinner is to provide the delicious feast to your closer and dear ones. 

•    After that you may think of encouraging the family members and other guests, if you have invited for getting into the activity of knowing each other. And for this, you may give at least an hour for the cocktail for kicking off the merry making.

•    This is great chance for the couple for giving a heartily thank to their parents and whoever they want to thank with the gifts. This will be considered more than an activity.

A few Words from Heart 

Before starting the main course of the feast, the event can be given an emotional touch by considering the idea of saying a few words or toasts firstly by the parents of the groom as being the host followed by the parents of the brides and then by the attendants if they want to share their wedding wishes for the couple with all. The couple may also utilize this for saying few words for their parents, for their guests and for each other.

Rehearsal Dinner Feast 

Now comes the time of the delicious food items that may contain any thing starting from caviar to the chimichangas which can be depended on the theme if selected or on the choice of the favorite dishes of the couple.

For serving the dessert, the idea that has been followed by the most of the couples is to have a groom’s cake that may be made up of the chocolate or the flavor of liqueur soaked for it.

Drinks for Rehearsal Dinner

You want to follow both alcoholic and non alcoholic type of stuff similar wedding drinks keeping in mind the tastes of all. Champagne hit fizzy out the occasion as per the treat. Along with this, you may go for the additions of club soda, ginger ale, pineapple juice, brandy and more of the related choices.

At last I only want mention one thing that you should opt for Rehearsal Dinner option whether on a smaller level or on a bigger one as this provides you a chance for celebrating with your most loved ones with whom who want to share every happiness of your life…

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